Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Yay! I've been hit by a sudden burst of inspiration and I'm already working on my new self portraits!
Also, I've been working on different ways to display the theme: Summer. For example, I'm gonna try at shoot a strawberry in the second it hits the surface of a bowl of milk! It's going to be a lot of work, but I think its gonna be awesome!
Can't wait to get out and shoot tomorrow - its gonna be great :)!

Another thing: I really wanna try and use a model for some of the ideas I had in mind, so it's not just all self-portraits. Only thing is, it HAS to be a guy - otherwise the pictures wont make any sense.
If you wanna help out, just send me a mail @ imagophotos@gmail.com.
In general, if you wanna have some shots taken for free, just send me a mail. This will be a great way for me to experiment with different shots and ideas. This goes for both boys and girls!

Thats all for now, I'm out.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

WCU - The love is back!

Hi everybody! I just finished editing my photos of the danish ultimate tournament WCU - Wonderful Copenhagen Ultimate. There are too many photos for just a simple post on this blog, so instead just click my flick photostream on the left or just follow this link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/frederikmiddelboe/

Your own Freddy!

Monday, May 09, 2011

First 5D mark II shots!

Hi everybody! It's time for the first photos shot on my new 5D mark II camera :) These photos are from a danish church and graveyard called Blovsterød Kirke. I don't know why I went there, but I did and it worked out pretty well. Tell me your thoughts on the photos, as I would love criticism.

Hope you all like them photos :)
Stay frosty
Frederik Middelboe.

Saturday, May 07, 2011

New freakin' camera!

Oh yea, thats right!
You guessed it ;)
Finally, after saving up during the last 6 months, I have bought my new Canon EOS 5D Mark II, together with the 24-70mm f/2.8 L USM lens! I can't even begin to describe how thrilled I am for this purchase!

The lens is fantastic, f/2.8 makes it able to shoot in very low light whilst making the focus extremely sharp!
At 24 mm the lens is a decent wide-angel and without any distortion at all! The only downside for this lens is the weight. Together with the 5D body, it's 'wrist snappingly' heavy!
But, as a reviewer from DigitalRev says: "Who needs wrists anyway?", and I must say that I agree.
Because if you look away from the weight, I can find no downsides of this lens at all.

The camera itself, exceeds every possible expectation I had. The pictures it produces are of a mindblowing standard and I'm still only beginning to learn how to use this camera.
I'm still getting used to the cameras controls, for example: every time I display photos I have just taken on the camera, it will automatically show me where the picture is overexposed by highlighting the area in black. I find this rather annoying, because I can see with my own eyes where the image is overexposed.
After several days with the camera, I still haven't figured out how to turn this darn effect off. If anyone does, please tell me, because I'm on the edge of a nervous break-down!

All kidding aside, I still have a lot to learn and there is only one way to do so. Shoot more photos, which means more posts for you all, so yeah! :)
Therefor, keep an eye on my blog the next days!

I'm out and stay juicy.
Frederik Middelboe.